Aspire Performance Company
The Aspire Performance Company is a group of dedicated dancers seeking more out of their dance education. Participants are able to personalize their level of involvement by selecting the number of classes that they wish to enroll in, in addition to their technique class. Our goal is to establishing solid technique within our students, while also developing life skills among our dancers so that they may have the confidence, discipline and organizational skills to apply to their activities outside of the studio. Company students are able to perform at several community events throughout the year and a competition. Competition, while a valuable experience for our dancers, is not the focus of the Aspire Dance Company. Dancers are also given the opportunity to travel nationwide every few years. In 2012, dancers traveled to New York City for the Rockette Experience, to see Newsies – The Musical and take class within the city. In 2017, Dancers traveled to Walt Disney World to perform on the Disney Springs Stage and take classes with the Disney Professionals.
Auditions are generally held in the spring or summer for the following season. However, students may request a private audition if they are just moving into the area or special circumstances apply.
The Aspire Dance Company is available to perform for any type of business, sporting or another community event. Please contact the studio for more information.

Student assistant crew
Being a member of the NSD student assistant crew is an amazing opportunity to gain extensive knowledge about dance, teaching and children. Student assistants may move onto careers in the dance or education fields and feel the experience gained is a great asset. Dancers ages 8 and up are eligible to apply for a student assistant position. Applications are available in the spring for the following dance season.